We're so excited to share this special 8 Day Breatharian Process.
together with you and our group participants traveling from around the world!
To support you in having the best possible experience, please find our answers to some of the most frequently asked questions below.
PART 1 - General Questions re: 8-Day-Process
1) How should I prepare for the 8DP? Should I do any cleanse or fasting before coming to the 8DP?
The best way to prepare for the process is by practicing the techniques of the Akahi - Breatharian Method Online Video Course ( you have immediate access to the online course after registration). This course gives you lifetime 24/7 access to the content of the entire 8 Days and more - accessing the sessions/videos, ebook, and additional content of the Online Membership Program. It is a great way to introduce yourself to the amazing breathing, energy and diet of the 8DP*, as well as an amazing way to provide yourself with support afterwards.
No diet change or fasting experience is necessary prior to the retreat.
Just allow your inner guidance to prepare you in whatever way you feel! It is a *complete* process in and of itself - gently purifying the body-mind-emotion-spirit in the way that is most perfect for you. So we invite you to simply enjoy life and know that you are already ready for your 8DP!
2) I have little/no experience with fasting and feel nervous about the recommended 3 days of "dry fasting" -- is it mandatory?
This is a wonderful and important question. Please know that you are *always* free to customize the process in the way that is most perfect, harmonious, and loving for yourself!
The majority of past 8DP participants have done the recommended 3-day "dry fast" and found it to be a most magical and rewarding experience, and surprisingly easy.
with the support of the group and the *Conscious Breathing* sessions. It is a beautiful component of the 8DP which can deepen the power of the Conscious Breath in purifying, calibrating, and attuning our body - mind - emotions - soul. At the same time, depending on individual circumstances, some participants have chosen to break up the consecutive dry days into three 1-day experiences, interspersed with water or juice days in between. Still others have chosen to replace the "dry" days with water-only (food-free) days. It is all very flexible, and Akahi is here to support you in choosing what is perfect for you.
So we invite everybody to follow inner guidance and know that the recommendation is only a template that has worked well for the majority of participants but is also highly customizable. You are always supported in creating your own perfect experience, from the place of pure love and gentleness, honoring your inner guidance at all times!
3) I already have a great deal of experience with fasting or food-free days, and would like to explore fasting for all 8 days during the 8DP — i.e. just water and dry fast days but no juice/fruits - is that ok?
Once again, yes, we do invite you to follow your inner guidance, and please consult Akahi so that he can support you in creating the most perfect, loving, and supportive experience possible. In the past, participants have modified and customized the fasting days in a variety of ways - always with the intention of creating the most kind, loving, and healthy experience for the body- mind-emotions-spirit.
It is worth noting that, as part of the experience of recalibrating our relationship with food — the original template of the 8DP gifts us with a precious opportunity to explore the beautiful flavors from the new state of pure enjoyment and non-necessity within the experience of 8DP itself. By gently reintroducing small quantity of juices on Day 6-7-8, we have opportunity to stabilize this new relationship with the food and flavors — sharing together with the group, creating a new set of happy memories. This prepares us for a smooth, easy, gentle re-integration back to the “outside” world. We can feel empowered to bring our new state of consciousness - the state of joy*, fun*, freedom*, and non-necessity* into everyday social life. In this way we can harmonize with social situations around the food in a smooth, skillful, and loving way. This is an important aspect of the 8DP’s template that we invite you to consider as well.
4) I have a <insert health condition> . Will the 8DP heal my condition?
As we are sure you can understand, the 8DP does not make any medical claims, for obvious reasons of liability, and also because none of us can ever fully understand the perfection of the universe, or the divine timing of events and circumstances in our lives. With that said, we also recognize that the 8DP is a beautiful process of
purification and alignment of body-mind-emotions-soul, an opportunity for each of us to drop deeply within to know ourselves more intimately, to love ourselves more fully than ever before. We have the opportunity to purify all levels of our being, and let go of any uncomfortable information which we no longer need for our highest good, allowing the love and prana to flow freely in our lives once again, returning to our natural state of joy and vibrant health!
So as a side-effect of this beautiful alignment process, many participants have experienced profound healings and transformations on all levels. While there are no guarantees, it is wonderful to bring a pure and sincere intention to your process, to use the 8DP as opportunity to let go of any uncomfortable information or conditions that no longer serve, and allow the process to support you in recalibrating into your natural state of peace, health, joy, and harmony in all aspects of life!
5) After the 8DP, is it guaranteed that I will stop eating? or will I become liquidarian? or just drink water? Do you eat? how many calories a day would you eat if you eat anything?
This is a popular question about the eating/not-eating, and so seems to be an important one to clarify.
First, we invite all to recognize that 8DP is not a process to “stop eating”. So it is recommended not to come to the process with this as your primary intention. The 8DP is a profound alignment process for mind-body-emotion-soul, a chance to let go of uncomfortable information or limitations, to gently open ourselves to new possibilities and infinite gifts! When we focus our attention on the food aspect, we limit our perception of the countless other gifts the universe has in store for each of us, which may be far more important or significant! So to be clear - the 8DP is not a process to stop eating, but rather an opportunity to deepen the flow of love*, peace*, and joy* within our lives, to (re)awaken our intimate relationship with the Prana*, returning to our most natural and harmonious state.
As a side-effect, many beings experience a dramatic decrease or complete disappearance of physical hunger. In a way, to be a breatharian and "not eat" is also a kind of diet, a rigidity, whereas the Pranic Consciousness is a state of joy and freedom to choose what is most perfect, harmonious, and loving in each moment -- breath by breath, moment by moment.
So from this consciousness, we can relate to *all* things, including the food, with pure joy and freedom - to know that we can eat, and we can not eat. Yes - we have a choice now! We can choose to enjoy food in the state of pure delight and mindfulness, no longer from the place of necessity or survival. While everybody has a different experience with the 8DP, many people find the eating or not eating becomes more-or-less irrelevant. The mind is not concerned with it, so it has freed up so much time and energy for much more fun and creative things!
There are now thousands of us who have lived the 8DP by now — inviting you to explore Youtube videos on Akahi’s youtube channel, and see the tremendous diversity of beautiful testimonials and experiences shared by this growing world-wide pranic community!